Welcome to my website dedicated to the games programming language known as DarkBASIC Professional. Original plan was to post all my projects and little code snippets on this site for everyone do to with as they see fit but never got around to finishing it other than what's below. Will keep site alive for a while until I decide what to do with it!

(for Retro Remakes 2004 Compo)

(for Alienware 2003 Compo)

Fractal Generator
August Haven't touched this web site for around 15 years!
Will probably repurpose it keeping the best bits.
August Gave up entering Retro Remakes 2006 Compo & Caiman Total Pack Contest 2006.
July Failed to finish writing Vexd due to work commitments. Will finish one day!
May Started work on Vexd for the TGC 2005 Puzzle Game Compo.
December I win 2 prize categories for Splat!
September Finally finished writing Retro Remake of Splat.
July Started my entry for this year's Retro Remakes competition. I have chosen Splat.
January My entry for the Alienware competition can be found here for downloading.
+ + + In Development + + +
(for TGC 2005 Puzzle Game Compo)
"I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." - Isaac Asimov.